It's a start
Like Po, I, too, have been a little intimidated with the demands of a blog, so I'll bunt a little and use it to not just highlight some of the more interesting material we've found, but to call attention to recently released research.
First up, the U.S. Census recently released a report on the U.S.'s Native American/Alaskan native populations. This is another one of their Census 2000 Reports -- not exactly thrilling reading, but they are informative, concise portraits of the U.S. at the turn of the century. I can't believe how often Po and I have relied on them over the past couple years.
Also, for those of you surfing through the Factbook, we loaded an updated version on Feb. 21. Most of the changes are details, but we did add some new material -- updating some data on the Birth Rate page and Education pages.
First up, the U.S. Census recently released a report on the U.S.'s Native American/Alaskan native populations. This is another one of their Census 2000 Reports -- not exactly thrilling reading, but they are informative, concise portraits of the U.S. at the turn of the century. I can't believe how often Po and I have relied on them over the past couple years.
Also, for those of you surfing through the Factbook, we loaded an updated version on Feb. 21. Most of the changes are details, but we did add some new material -- updating some data on the Birth Rate page and Education pages.