Sunday, June 11, 2006

This Week's Recommended Reading (More)

From Ash:


The New York Times has an interesting feature on a new effort to end homelessness by putting people in permanent apartments, rather than temporary shelters.

Parental Involvement . . . or Else.

The Chicago Sun Times reported that local police are redoubling their annual efforts to get kids off the street by fining parents up to $500 for their under-17 year-old children being out past the city's curfew. What I think is best about this is that the program isn't just the fines: counseling and other social services are available for those parents who say that they need help: that they and/or their kids are in trouble.

Gay Marriage

Jonathan Rauch wrote a thought-provoking op-ed arguing that the calls for gay marriage arose out of the difficulties gay partners have faced during the 25 years since the AIDS epidemic began.


I'm fascinated by how huge an issue migration is worldwide. And I haven't yet seen much coverage of it yet in US media, but the United Nations has released a new report on global migration. I haven't read the report yet, but the press release and fact sheet are mindblowing on their own. (For example, in 2005, 191 million people lived outside of their home countries.)

The BBC's coverage this week puts some of that in a more concrete perspective, with its piece on there's a global shortage of nurses, and migration of nurses to better-paying countries is only making things worse.

Muslim Women

While the San Francisco Chronicle reported on the reactions (pro and con) facing an Islamic mosque that has removed a wall between its male and female worshippers, the New York Times highlighted some of the results of a worldwide survey of Muslim women. This survey, by Gallup, found that women in Islamic nations do not consider themselves to be oppressed, they want equality . . . but they also think that there are more urgent problems in their countries (e.g., violence, corruption) that need to be addressed first.

Because It Isn't the Same Old Reporting

Read this piece in the Christian Science Monitor about the financial strains faced by the average congressman due to the demands of his office. I think it's a story that people should know: the corrupt congressmen make headlines. But the struggles the good guys face unfortunately rarely see the light of day.

And just for fun,

CNN reported that a judge had just seen too much conflict between two attorneys appearing before him. So he ordered them to resolve yet another dispute by playing a game of "rock, paper, scissors."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor rich congresspeople....

I would like to know more about this. What does the six figure salary cover? The salaries of their staff?

I often hear ahout the 50 cent haircuts. I also hear that Congress votes to give themselves better health care insurance coverage while depriving ordinary Americans of health care (if this is true). I still do not understand why the Congress, though Democratic controlled, refused to cooperate with Hillary Rodham Clinton and President Clinton on the universal health care coverage bill.

Why were certain Republicans allowed to run roughshod despite their minority status at that time? I am shocked at some of their comments. As a preteen said once, they need a time out!

I know there are some good Republicans who may be little known because they are good. I have met some of them. They respect others despite differences.

8:46 PM  

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